Cogmed Working Memory Training

CogmedQualified PracticeWe offer Cogmed working memory training, an evidence-based program for helping children, adolescents and adult sustainably improve attention by training their working memory. The program is based on strong scientific research, is delivered under the supervision of a qualified Cogmed Coach and can be done using a PC at home. No need for office visits.

What Is Working Memory?

Working memory is the ability to briefly (a few seconds) remember information and use this information in your thinking.  Your working memory is closely related to your ability to concentrate: you can remember information for a short while by concentrating on it, but it disappears from your memory if you are distracted.  You use your working memory for a number of things, such as:

  • remembering instructions about what to do next (e.g., keeping a recipe or driving directions in your head while following through)
  • keeping all the parts of a number in your memory while you calculate it
  • reading and remembering what you read
  • problem-solving
  • sequencing a task (i.e., performing the various steps of a task in a certain order)
  • focusing on the task at hand, without being distracted by irrelevant stimuli
  • planning, organizing, and structuring your daily life

Effects of the Training

Cogmed Working Memory Training exercises and improves your working memory.  The general effects that have been shown after completed training include:

  • better ability to concentrate
  • improved executive functions (organization, planning, following through, etc.)
  • ability to keep up with items and responsibilities
  • improved stamina when performing mentally demanding tasks

After having completed their working memory training, children, adolescents, and adults say that they find it easier to concentrate, to remember things, and to perform more successfully on school-related tasks.

Parents of children and adolescents who have completed working memory training describe them as more independent and have an improved ability to pay attention.  Parents often report that their children are better able to communicate and are generally more focused than before the training.

Teachers who come in contact with students who have completed Cogmed Working Memory Training recount that these students are calmer and pay more attention after the training.  They also report that the students' interest in schoolwork has increased and their test scores have improved.

What Does the Program Look Like?

The entire Cogmed Working Memory Training consists of four to five steps:

  • An initial interview . The participant and a Cogmed-trained professional will determine the participant's need, eligibility, and proper equipment for the program (a computer, monitor, and mouse will be necessary)
  • A "start-up" session . The Cogmed-trained professional will establish the participant's baseline performance and demonstrate how to use the program. This includes detailed instructions on how to log in and how to access the private Cogmed coach (a different qualified professional who will ensure the highest quality of training)
  • 25 individual training sessions . These sessions can be completed from home on a relatively flexible schedule. The program duration is around five to six weeks, and the length of the sessions varies depending on the age of the participant:
Cogmed JM (children ages 4 to 6/7): 15 minutes
Cogmed RM (children ages 6/7 to 17): 30 - 45 minutes
Cogmed QM (adults 18+): 30 - 45 minutes
Each time the participant completes a session, the private coach receives the results and the software adapts accordingly to enure the participant is always challenged to continue improving. The private coach will call the participant each week to discuss progress and offer encouragement.
  • Follow-up sessions . The participant will meet with the Cogmed-trained private coach for an office follow-up at three weeks, six months, and one year after completing the Cogmed sessions.
  • Optional Extended Training . This is an additional 100 sessions, each 15 minutes long. This option is provided free of charge and can be completed within a year; however, there will be no private coach for this stage of the training. If, after the Extended Training, the participant wishes to continue the program, an additional 100 sessions (Extended Training Plus) will be available for purchase.

You will be able to access a free demo soon to see if this program might be a good fit for you. Feel free to reach out to us if you are experiencing difficulties in your working memory and want to find out more about Cogmed Working Memory Training.

To schedule your initial interview for Cogmed Working Memory Training, call our office at (512) 329-8222 or email at [email protected] .

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